Captain America Frame
CURRENTLY manufactured in very limited quantities, Paughco’s Captain American frame provides a perfect foundation for building your very own reproduction.
Designed around their rigid wishbone frame which combines nostalgic styling with the latest in materials and manufacturing technology.
Each frame is totally polished, trimmed and fit with neck plates prior to welding. The complete chassis is then 100 percent chrome-plated at Paughco’s state-of-the-art plating facility.
Additional features include OEM style neck with 37 degrees of rake, three-inch stretch in the front legs, foot peg tabs, and optional OEM style axle plates.
Captain America frames are designed for use with Softail five-speed and rear belt drive components. When used with Paughco’s billet six-degree triple trees, the chassis provides a power-steering like feel with no front-end flop.
They are also available for original Pan configuration.
Available from Harrys Custom Bike Work, 2 Kent Street, Biggenden Qld 4621; 0417-957-286; www.harryscustom.com.au
I have a 1999 CMC Captain America and would like a chrome frame It has an 88 s/s 5 spd belt drive all stock, price and avaibility please.