The Motorcycle Ride to Darwin
Luigi set off on a three-week charity motorbike ride to Darwin to raise valuable funds for the Dalby Hospital.
THE RIDE To Darwin was a bit of a let-down—five from Queensland and two from Sydney—but Hell, did we have a top trip. There was one Harley, one Vulcan and five Triumphs.
It would be good if the roads in Queensland were as good as NT. It took a while to get used to not looking out for pot-holes.

We saw a lot of classic places on the way up and back. Adelaide River took the cake: cops blocked the road for seven bikes—bloody big deal. A big black dog—whose name wasn’t Sambo his handler said—sniffed our gear and crutch. Sadly, I couldn’t pull a fart. Our photos were taken, we were patted down and searched, then all our stuff in our saddlebags was chucked from arse-hole-to-breakfast-time. No wonder we hate them. I felt sorry for the dog being in such bad company.

Fuel was $1.97 at one stop, a can of rum & coke $10, $34 for a 50 gram Winnie Blue tobacco and $1.50 for papers. You can do the trip easy for around $2500.
FOOTNOTE: I travelled to Dalby on the Darling Downs to see the Darwin ride off. It was a cold morning in Dalby but the sun was shining. Luigi had taken a year to organise this trip but only seven bikes turned up all together.
Luigi had a lot of trouble getting people to donate towards his cause. Lots of the locals had turned into tight arses. I guess with the new anti biker laws people are a little scared because of the negative media out there.
Nonetheless, Luigi was all hyped up before he left that morning. No media, no one to cheer them off, only his wife, June, and I and two of my family members. Yes, I was a bit envious as I have ridden the outback before; it is a top journey. Good on you, Luigi, for trying to help others.
JULES @ Top Gun