Northern Territory Suzuki Boulevard & Choni
“When the missus isn’t looking the bike will get a new paint job,” said Jamie.
I PURCHASED the bike and started work. Anything ‘stock’ isn’t quite my style and being a mechanic I just had to modify the bike. The first thing I did was drill out the mufflers, that was about an hour after the bike was delivered. All the other changes happened as time and money permitted. I didn’t even have my big bike licence yet; that came three days later.

There is a 40 hp wet-kit sitting on the shelf which I intend to get fitted in the near future along with an electric centre-stand. When the missus isn’t looking the bike will get a new paint job.
Modifying and customising takes time so I better thank the following people: The missus and her patience as she lets me spend more time in the shed than I probably should; JC Pomar at Meancycles, USA, for assistance and general advice on parts supply; Ian ‘chops’ Pitt for his handmade air-ride kit; Alan, Lucas, John, Chris and the M109 guys.

words by Jamie Harwood; photos by Rick Benson
PS: Where did the chick come from — Skol.