Louisa Kelly and the Blow Me Harley-Davidson Sportster
SKOL: So tell me you, have done other modelling work before?
Louisa. Yes.
Skol: So…
Louisa. Ummm, what do you want to know?
Skol: Well, what sort of work you have done?
Louisa. I usually do, like, artistic nude and stuff like that. I have done high fashion stuff, yeah, but that’s about it.
Skol: Okay, so how did you get onto Walter, our photographer?
Louisa. Through Ozmodel.

Skol: So he contacted you through the internet site Ozmodel, and asked you if you wanted to do some photographs with Ozbike?
Louisa. Yes.
Skol: How did you find working with him?
Louisa. Good. Nice.
Skol: Nice?
Louisa. Yes.
Skol: So are you into motorbikes at all?
Louisa. They are pretty to look at.
Skol: That’s about it, pretty to look at.
Louisa. Laughing…
Skol: Have you ever been on one?
Louisa. No.
Skol: I’m sure there are lots of guys out there who would like to take you for a ride on their bike.
Louisa. Laughs.
Skol: So if some bloke comes up with a big black Harley and asks you to come for a ride, you would consider it.
Louisa. I suppose.

Skol: Okay (getting a bit impatient). So what’s the future for you?
Louisa. I don’t know really.
Skol: Okay… so you are a Brisbane girl?
Louisa. Yes, although really I am from the Gold Coast.
Skol: You have lived on the Gold Coast all your life?
Louisa. Yes.
Skol: So you must go to the beach a lot?
Louisa. Not really.
Skol: (even more impatiently) Then what do you do?
Louisa. I don’t know. I go out with friends shopping and stuff.
Skol: Shopping! So if I asked you about shoes you would know a lot about them?
Louisa. I suppose.
Skol: Have you ever been horse riding?
Louisa. I used to have a horse.
Skol: Ah, you had a horse. You did horse riding when you were little.
Louisa. I did horse riding up until about two years ago.
Skol: What, dressage, jumping?
Louisa. Yes. I used to do show jumping and stuff like that but I kind of got over it.
Skol: Got over it?
Louisa. Yes.
Skol: What have you moved onto then?
Louisa. I don’t know.
Skol: Some hobby?
Louisa. Umm, not really. I like reading.
Skol: (getting excited) Reading?
Louisa. Yes.
Skol: Alright, yes… Is there nothing more you want the readers to know about yourself?
Louisa. No.
Skol: (really impatient now) There must be something you like doing.
Louisa. Umm, umm, no….
Skol: Well okay!!!

Don’t miss the full feature on Gazza’s Blow Me Wide Arse Sportster.