Hell Bent Chopper

Winger knows how to build choppers—he’s won three major prizes at major custom bike shows in recent years. This is his latest creation.

I STARTED working on my own, just building bikes at home. It was full time for three to four years, but it’s slowed down since the new laws came in, so it’s not a full time business anymore. You just can’t customise bikes like you used to. Not sure about the other states, but in NSW, it’s not worth going for a ride anymore. What sort of future is that, when you can only modify stock bikes? Even then, depending on the police who pull you up, if you change your exhaust, it’s three points off your licence. The whole scene has been ruined—that’s why I got out.

I’m doing cars now. It’ll be similar to how I used to do the bikes, but cars are a lot more relaxed because there isn’t the outlaw element associated with them as much… so maybe all the bikers will be driving cars soon… yeah, that’s it, they’re never going to get rid of them, they’re just going to make them go deeper and deeper.

This bike has been pictured in Ozbike before but it’s been rebuilt since then. It’s based on a Low Life frame from America which we modified. Ky from The Chopper Shop made the tanks, guards and exhaust.

It has a 145 inch S&S engine, six-speed Baker tranny; it’s air bagged; and it has a Perse front-end as well as PM wheels and controls. 

Joe Webb from Bad Image repainted it. Dave from Bad Arse Trim re-did the seat and he always does a good job. A mate of mine, Kev, machined all the one-off parts on it.

Now, it’s whether to sell it or keep it!

Photos by Wall 2 Wall; words by Winger

Make sure you check out Cassie on the Hell Bent Chopper.

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