Harley-Davidson Evo Fat Bagger
Gazza was in the mood for something different. Why not a custom Bagger, he thought…
THE IDEA OF building another Bagger had appealed to me, and my mate Greg in Queensland was now into making fibreglass bagger kits and tank strips for Harley-Davidson tourers. He had also tracked down a cheap, one-owner, Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic in good original nick. Perfect for the job.
Some short, turned-out pipes were sourced to allow the pannier extenders to be fitted without cutting any holes; only thing is, it’s now very loud. I’m a firm believer of “If you’re heard, you’re seen.” Don’t think the boys in blue would agree.

A 19-inch alloy front rim and tyre were fitted to give the bike a chopperish feel. A low-cut tinted screen was also fitted to help with the effect.
The Ultra was painted black with a blue pearl. Looks great out in the sun.
The Evo engine was given a top-end freshen up, fitted with a Screamin’ Eagle cam and a late model carby along with a Hypercharger.
Taff from Perth helped source all of the after-market chrome work which finished off the Bagger nicely. After all, it is a 1994 model.

When it came time to take it over the pits in Western Australia, the horn wouldn’t work, so being an Ultra Classic with all the bullshit wiring in the fairing, we bypassed the wiring by fitting an old dragster pushbike horn (thanks Mick). It took a bit to convince the boys at the pits, but it worked.
Mick in Maddington also got the bagger running sweet with some fine tuning and modifications.
The finishing touches were the Ozbike and Oz Biker Nation stickers, and the Ozbike number plate. After all, I work for the best bike magazine in Oz, why not advertise it. Now I can ride to any events and photo-shoots with all my camera gear safe and dry in the panniers.
This style of bike is not for everybody, but I like to be different, and I’m already thinking of my next build.
Thanks to Monique for being such a great model and making it an enjoyable day.

Words & pics by Gazza