Drop Seat Frame
CHECK IT out. Paughco has released a sleek new frame that provides great lines and a perfect 23.5-inch seat height.
The new Right Side Drive frame accepts a 300 rear tyre and features a 1.75-inch backbone stretch, 2-inch diameter single front leg and 1.75-inch diameter tubular swing-arm. Additionally, the chassis comes with a 1-inch hidden axle assembly and integral forward control mounts.
The chopper version, shown here, has 4-inches in the backbone, 7-inches in the front leg and 38 degree neck rake. The Paughco 13.5-inch fender, oil bag and solo seat in this photo are sold separately.
Goin’ Pro-Street? Try the model with 5-inch stretch in the backbone and 38 degree neck rake.
Is the seat in the picture from Paughco too?