Builders Labourers Federation Social Club Anniversary

Dare to Struggle; Dare to Win.

BUILDERS Labourers Federation Social Club (B.L.F.S.C.) is a memorial club for what was once a great union; that was at the forefront of fighting for better wages, conditions and basic human rights on construction sites. We were also instrumental in the push for all working class people to gain access to superannuation, air conditioned lunch rooms and clean toilet facilities.

The Builders Labourers Federation (B.L.F.) fought hard for all our gains; we even had to fight and strike for paid annual leave, something that workers today take for granted. The government at the time of these struggles decided that enough was enough so they started proceedings to have the B.L.F. deregistered.

It began in Victoria with the jailing of our National Secretary and the de-registration of that branch. The other state branches in order to survive this persecution amalgamated with the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union (C.F.M.E.U). The rest is history. 

All members of our B.L.F. Social Club will continue this fight for all working-class people.

Dare to Struggle; Dare to Win.

Lofty, President B.L.F.S.C. South Australia.

All photos taken by Helen Aubert Photography


  1. Worked in 1980 at the w station in yallourn .and returning to oz permanently and wish to keep in touch with former union mates!

  2. How would i get a record of my Old BLF membership number…??
    Are there records..??

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